


Robot 1

The Robot 1 is designed to drive in the direction with the most room to travel. (I know, please hold your excitement in).


The Robot 1 is the first of my attempts to learn the Arduino.


Robot1I've used a number of prebuilt modules to send real world data back to the controlling device (and they connect pretty easily). Modules tend to be between $10-$30 AUD and are worth every cent for a novice.


It's far from perfect, but it was certainly a good place to start.


The following is the sketch uploaded directly to the Arduino.


I have used a library that works with the AdaFruit motor shield and is downloadable from the AdaFruit website.




#include <AFMotor.h>
#include <Servo.h>


// Define Servo Wheels
Servo servoLeft;
Servo servoRight;


// Define Ping Sensor Chassis Serco Motors (the two servos used to make the ping sensor look left/right and up/down)
Servo servoUpDown;
Servo servoLeftRight;


// Setup AM3 Accellerometer (used to idnetify the tilt of the robot)
int xAxis = A2;
int axisValue = 0;
int gravity;


// Setup Ping Sensor
int distSensor = 0;
const int pwPin = 8;
long pulse, inches, cm;

// Setup Hall Effect Sensor - i.e Wheel monitor
const int hallPin = 7;



void setup(){
  int i = 0;

  // Intitiate Serial connection for debugging

  // attach servo's to Pins and stop - Note: Motor shield uses Pin 9,10
  servoLeft.write(95); // 1 to 94 Backward, 96 to 200 Forward
  servoRight.write(95); // 1 to 94 Forward, 96 to 200 Backward

  // attach Hall Effewt Sensor
  pinMode(hallPin, INPUT);

  // Set sensor motors to front

  // attach Ping Sensor
  pinMode(pwPin, INPUT);

  // set gravity level
  // average out reads to accommodate misreads and fluctuation
  for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
    axisValue = analogRead(xAxis);
    gravity += axisValue;
  gravity /= 10;

  // Give user 5 seconds before robot starts

// *********************************


void loop(){

  // Move forward
  servoLeft.write(200); // 1 to 94 Backward, 96 to 200 Forward
  servoRight.write(83); // 1 to 94 Forward, 96 to 200 Backward

  // Check Distance

  // if distance is < 30cm then check the direction to move in
  if (distSensor < 30) {checkDirection();}

  // Check vertical angle



// *********************************


void checkDirection(){

  int leftDistance = 0;
  int rightDistance = 0;


  // Check Left
  leftDistance = distSensor;

  // Check Right
  rightDistance = distSensor;

  // set Ping Sensor back to forward facing

  // Define direction
  if (leftDistance < rightDistance && rightDistance > 30){

  else if (leftDistance > rightDistance && leftDistance > 30){

  else {



// *********************************


void checkDistance(){

  int i = 0;

  //Following code modified from original code by Author: Bruce Allen - 23/07/09
  //Used to read in the pulse that is being sent by the MaxSonar device.
  //Pulse Width representation with a scale factor of 147 uS per Inch.
  // Average 8 readings to accomodate noise and error

  for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
    pulse = pulseIn(pwPin, HIGH);
    //147uS per inch
    inches = pulse/147;
    //change inches to centimetres
    cm = inches * 2.54;
    distSensor += cm;

  distSensor /= 8;


// *********************************


void adjustPingVertical(){

  int angle = 0;
  int upDownAngle = 0;
  int i = 0;

  // read the angle - 400 is flat
  axisValue = analogRead(xAxis);

  // average out reads to accommodate misreads and fluctuation - divde by 2 to   accommodate angle
  for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
    angle = 400 - axisValue;
    angle /= 2;
    upDownAngle += angle;

  upDownAngle /= 8;
  upDownAngle = 1 + upDownAngle;


  // Don't tilt the sensor greater than 90 degrees or below 0
  if (upDownAngle > 90){upDownAngle = 90;}
  if (upDownAngle < 1){upDownAngle = 1;}


// *********************************


void goRight(){


  int i = 0;
  int hallState = 0;
  hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);

  // Set the wheels to turn the robot right
  servoLeft.write(200); // 1 to 94 Backward, 96 to 200 Forward
  servoRight.write(200); // 1 to 94 Forward, 96 to 200 Backward

  // If wheel is currently on a magnet, move off magnet
  while ( hallState == LOW){
   hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);
  } // end while

  // count 2 magnets on the wheel

  while (i != 2){
    hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);

    if (hallState == LOW){ // i.e on a magnet
       i = i + 1;
       while ( hallState == LOW){ // move off magnet
         hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);
       } // end while
    } // end if
  } // end while

} // end goRight


// *********************************


void goLeft(){

  int i = 0;
  int hallState = 0;
  hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);

  // Set the wheels to turn right
  servoLeft.write(1); // 1 to 94 Backward, 96 to 200 Forward
  servoRight.write(1); // 1 to 94 Forward, 96 to 200 Backward

  // move off magnet
  while ( hallState == LOW){
     hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);
  } // end while

  // count 2 magnets on the wheel

  while (i != 2){
    hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);

    if (hallState == LOW){
      i = i + 1;
      while ( hallState == LOW){
        hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);
      } // end while
   } // end if
  } // end while

} // end goLeft


// *********************************


void turnAround(){


  int i = 0;
  int hallState = 0;
  hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);

  // Set the wheels to turn right
  servoLeft.write(1); // 1 to 94 Backward, 96 to 200 Forward
  servoRight.write(1); // 1 to 94 Forward, 96 to 200 Backward

  // move off magnet
   while ( hallState == LOW){
     hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);
   } // end while

  // count 2 magnets on the wheel

  while (i != 4){
    hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);
    if (hallState == LOW){
      i = i + 1;
      while ( hallState == LOW){
         hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);
      } // end while
    } // end if
  } // end while


} // end turnAround


// *********************************


void stopBot(){


  int hallState = 0;
  hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);


  // Stop when at magnet
  while (hallState == HIGH){
    hallState = digitalRead(hallPin);


  // Stop Servos
  servoLeft.write(95); // 1 to 94 Backward, 96 to 200 Forward
  servoRight.write(95); // 1 to 94 Forward, 96 to 200 Backward



It could probably use a set of whiskers on the front for collision detection as the ping sensor isn't completely reliable on it's own. If you're on an angle, the ping can bounce off in another direction and not report the fact that it is about to hit a wall. You could also daisy chain up a few ping / ultrasonic sensors on various angles to alleviate the issue.